ČZN 2013

naslovnica zvezek4 2013

Peter Wieseflecker The Myth and the Archetype of the End of the World – the Rockslide of Dobratsch in 1348 and its Position in Within the Collective Memory of the Gailtal
Borivoj Breže Josip Hutter from the Social Responsibility Perspective
Mateja Ratej The second Yugoslav Firefighter Congress in Ljubljana – the last great Manifestation of the Catholic Political Thought before the Beginning of the World War II
Karel Gržan On a woman and a man and their mission in Stanko Majcen’s plays
Mateja Hadler Typical Features of the Romani Youth Literature
Tjaša Markežič The Use of Surname Feminatives in the Past and Today
  Reviews and Reports
Oskar Habjanič Obrt na Ptujskem: Zbornik ob 40-letnici OOZ Ptuj
Marjan Toš Slovenski judje in holokavst: zgodovina in posledice. Zbornik referatov in prispevkov z znanstvenih srečanj Šoa ‒ Spominjajmo se 2012/2013
DOWNLOAD: CZN_2013_4_za_splet.pdf

naslovnica zvezek2 3 2013

Jožica Čeh Steger Nature and Landscape in Potrč’s Narrative Opus
Vladka Tucovič “Čez hribe je lila fantovska pesem, kakor bi noč molila k življenju” [“Over the Hills the Young Men’s Song was Heard, as if the Night would Pray for Life”] – Folk Songs, Dances and Instruments in Potrč’s Literary Opus
Blanka Bošnjak Potrč’s Wartime and Post-War Short Prose
Renata Debeljak The Socialist Ideology in Ivan Potrč’s Dramas
Branislava Vičar Potrč’s Novel Tesnoba [Anxiety] in the Context of the Economic and Political Dismantling of Yugoslavia
Darja Plajnšek Correspondence between Ivan Potrč and Franček Bohanec
as a Part of Ivan Potrč’s Legacy in the Ptuj Library
Marko Jesenšek Potrč and the Question of the Slovene Standard Language

Mihaela Koletnik

Dialectal Elements in Potrč’s Pre-War Short Stories

Alenka Valh Lopert, Melita Zemljak Jontes Potrč’s Novel Na kmetih [In the Country] in Pavlović’s Feature Film Rdeče klasje [Read Ears]
Božena Kmetec - Friedl

Processing and Accessibility of Potrč’s Legacy in the Ptuj Library

Tone Partljič Srečanja z Ivanom Potrčem
Viktorija Dabič Kako je nastala Potrčeva pot
Jožica Čeh Steger Aktualnost in živost Potrčevega literarnega opusa danes
DOWNLOAD:  CZN_2013_2-3_za_splet.pdf

naslovnica zvezek1 2013

Norbert Allmer The Eremites in Lower Styria in the 18th Century
Marija Mojca Peternel Klagenfurter Zeitung and Slovenes in the Revolutionary Year 1848/49
Aljoša Špelec The Elections of County Representative Bodies in Lower Styria in 1873 and 1876
Franc Rozman Slovenes in the Boer War
Tomaž Ivešić The Activities of Franc Kulovec, Ph.D., the Head of the Slovene People’s Party and the Key Events before the War
Bernard Rajh Contributions to the Slovene Cultural History
Polonca Šek Mertük The Periods of Passive Voice Research in Grammars of the Slovene Language /From A. Bohorič, 1584, to J. Toporišič, 2004/
  Reviews and Reports
Marjan Toš, Oto Luthar: Po robovih spomina. Antisemitizem in uničenje prekmurske judovske skupnosti
Marjan Toš Kako je biti Jud v Mariboru in v Lendavi.
Projekt o dunajski judovski identiteti skozi objektiv Petra Rigauda na dokumentarni razstavi v mariborski Sinagogi (24. 1.–26. 2. 2013) in v domu kulture Lendava (1. 3.–31. 3. 2013)
DOWNLOAD: CZN_2013_1_za_splet.pdf

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