naslovnica zvezek2 3 2013

Jožica Čeh Steger Nature and Landscape in Potrč’s Narrative Opus
Vladka Tucovič “Čez hribe je lila fantovska pesem, kakor bi noč molila k življenju” [“Over the Hills the Young Men’s Song was Heard, as if the Night would Pray for Life”] – Folk Songs, Dances and Instruments in Potrč’s Literary Opus
Blanka Bošnjak Potrč’s Wartime and Post-War Short Prose
Renata Debeljak The Socialist Ideology in Ivan Potrč’s Dramas
Branislava Vičar Potrč’s Novel Tesnoba [Anxiety] in the Context of the Economic and Political Dismantling of Yugoslavia
Darja Plajnšek Correspondence between Ivan Potrč and Franček Bohanec
as a Part of Ivan Potrč’s Legacy in the Ptuj Library
Marko Jesenšek Potrč and the Question of the Slovene Standard Language

Mihaela Koletnik

Dialectal Elements in Potrč’s Pre-War Short Stories

Alenka Valh Lopert, Melita Zemljak Jontes Potrč’s Novel Na kmetih [In the Country] in Pavlović’s Feature Film Rdeče klasje [Read Ears]
Božena Kmetec - Friedl

Processing and Accessibility of Potrč’s Legacy in the Ptuj Library

Tone Partljič Srečanja z Ivanom Potrčem
Viktorija Dabič Kako je nastala Potrčeva pot
Jožica Čeh Steger Aktualnost in živost Potrčevega literarnega opusa danes
DOWNLOAD:  CZN_2013_2-3_za_splet.pdf

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