1. Časopis za zgodovino in narodopisje (Review for History and Ethnography) is an interdisciplinary review for humanistic and social sciences. It is published by the University of Maribor, Slomškov trg 15 and Zgodovinsko društvo v Mariboru, Ulica heroja Tomšiča 5.

  2. Papers should be submitted to the Editorial Board: Uredništvo ČZN, Univerzitetna knjižnica Maribor, Gospejna 10, 2000 Maribor (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

  3. The articles published in ČZN are in Slovene language, the abstracts are in English and German, the synopses are in Slovene and English language.

  4. If the contribution is a treatise or an article, then the contribution should have an abstract (of maximum 30 lines) and a synopsis (of maximum 6 lines).

  5. The contributions should be submitted in electronic Windows-compatible format and printed on paper. The contributions should not exceed 60,000 characters.

  6. The contributions are proofread and peer reviewed with a blind peer review procedure. The authors are responsible for the statements and the scientific correctness of their papers.

  7. Footnotes should be written unified, under the line on the bottom of each page. In the notes abbreviations should be used and they should be, together with acronyms, explained in the chapter References. With archival sources traditional acronyms for archives, followed by the acronym of the fond or collection, call number or the folder/box number and the number of the archival unit or the name of the document should be used. In references the name of the author, logically abbreviated title (not publishing year) and page number should be cited. The contribution from other scientific fields (not historical ones) can use the American citation APA (Stavbar 2006: 23) and the reference list at the end of the contribution.

  8. Citation of sources and references – if there is a chapter Sources and References at the end of a contribution, all the sources and references should be cited systematically (see Footnotes). All the sources, such as archival sources, references, newspapers, oral sources, should be cited separately. Within these groups the materials should be written alphabetically.

    Archival sources: the archive, the name of the fond or the collection, if necessary also the number of the folder or of the box should be cited.

    References – books should be cited in the following order: Author’s name and surname, Title (and subtitle) in italics. Publication place and publication year, pages.

    References – articles should be cited in the following order: Author’s name and surname, title of the article. Name of the newspaper, review or book of proceedings (in italics), for periodicals also volume, year, number or date and pages; for a book of proceedings publication place and publication year, pages.

  9. Appendixes (picture materials, photographs, maps…) will be printed monochromatic. They should be scanned in the 300 dpi resolution (min. width 10 cm) and saved in the tif or jgp

    formats. The picture materials files should be named according to the order they appear in the text (example: slika 1 etc.) and should be added in this format to the basic file. The subtitles for the picture materials should include: consecutive numbers, picture title and source. They should also be put on the right place in the text.

  10. Each contribution should have an exact author’s address: name and surname, academic or professional title, working place or institution, its address and author’s email address.

  11. Translations of abstracts and synopses are provided by the Editorial Board.

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