naslovnica zvezek2 2019

Filip Čuček Slovene Members of the Styria Provincial Assembly in the Period between 1848 and 1878
Mateja Ratej Hitlerism in the Wider Maribor Surroundings in the 1930s
Borivoj Breže Vilko Čižmek, a Fighter for Justice Regardless of the Socio-political System
Mojca Ramšak The Scientific Opus of a Medical Doctor, Medical Historian and Medical Humanist, Professor Zvonka Zupanič Slavec, PhD
  Reviews and Reports
Marjan Toš Zdenko Kodrič: Pet ljubezni
Mojca Ramšak Zgodbe iz Celja (Urh Ferlež: Štiri zgodbe Celjske zgodovine)
Marjan Toš Učna ura spominjanja na dunajski Ringstrasse … Dokumentarna razstava maj – junij 2019, Dunaj
DOWNLOAD: CZN_2019_2_za_splet.pdf

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