naslovnica zvezek4 2010

Irena Marković Discovering the West part of the North America in the beginning of the 19th century. The Lewis and Clark expedition (1804-1806). Part II: the initiator's and expedition leaders' biographies
Franc Rozman Admirals in the Austria-Hungary navy from Lower Styria
Nina Hriberšek Vuk Mountaineering in Lower Styria in the last decades before world war I. with emphasis on mountaineering on Pohorje and Kozjak
Aleš Marđetko The history of flax-growing in the Destrnik and Trnovska vas Municipality
  Congresses and symposia
Franc Rozman Štirideseti mednarodni kulturnozgodovinski simpozij Mogersdorf/Modinci v Celju od 6. do 9. julija 2010
DOWNLOAD: CZN_2010_4_za_splet.pdf

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