Editorial |
Maistrovo osebno pričevanje |
General Rudolf Maister, Kako sem postal gospodar Maribora |
Studies |
Andrej Rahten |
“It’s not the Time to Indulge”. Janko Mačkovšek at the Paris Peace Conference |
Arno Georg Kerschbaumer |
Between Profession, the Emperor and a Country Estate. The Political Orientation and National Differentiation on the Case of a Family from the Rož Valley in the 19th and 20th Century |
Manja Erman |
The Principality of Bulgaria in the Years 1878 and 1885 as Seen by Newspapers Slovenski narod and Slovenec |
Andrejka Žejn |
Ljudevit Pivko – Also an Observer and Registrar of the Folk Life on the Ptuj Field |
Notes |
Marjan Toš |
Zavrh 55 let pozneje. Maister ostaja na Zavrhu doma – za spomin in v zahvalo |
Reviews and Reports |
Majda Potrata |
Marija Maister (1885–1938) – pomembna Mariborčanka |
Vlasta Stavbar |
Andrej Gulič, Pohorje in Kozjak: planinske koče, domovi, zavetišča, penzioni, razgledniki in romarske točke na Pohorju in Kozjaku do konca druge svetovne vojne |
Marjan Toš |
Bibliografija mag. Franca Kuzmiča: 1952–2018 |
ČZN_2018_4_za_splet.pdf |