naslovnica zvezek4 2018

  Maistrovo osebno pričevanje
  General Rudolf Maister, Kako sem postal gospodar Maribora
Andrej Rahten “It’s not the Time to Indulge”. Janko Mačkovšek at the Paris Peace Conference
Arno Georg Kerschbaumer Between Profession, the Emperor and a Country Estate. The Political Orientation and National Differentiation on the Case of a Family from the Rož Valley in the 19th and 20th Century
Manja Erman The Principality of Bulgaria in the Years 1878 and 1885 as Seen by Newspapers Slovenski narod and Slovenec
Andrejka Žejn Ljudevit Pivko – Also an Observer and Registrar of the Folk Life on the Ptuj Field
Marjan Toš Zavrh 55 let pozneje. Maister ostaja na Zavrhu doma – za spomin in v zahvalo
  Reviews and Reports
Majda Potrata Marija Maister (1885–1938) – pomembna Mariborčanka
Vlasta Stavbar Andrej Gulič, Pohorje in Kozjak: planinske koče, domovi, zavetišča, penzioni, razgledniki in romarske točke na Pohorju in Kozjaku do konca druge svetovne vojne
Marjan Toš Bibliografija mag. Franca Kuzmiča: 1952–2018
DOWNLOAD: ČZN_2018_4_za_splet.pdf

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