naslovnica zvezek1 2 2018

Andrej Rahten A Christian Democrat and the Overthrow. Jakob Mohorič’s View on the Founding Era and the Political Leadership of the Yugoslav Kingdom
Oskar Habjanič Baron Eduard de Lannoy’s (1787–1853) World of Thought
Franc Rozman Five Styria Generals
Mirko Munda Franjo Pirc – The Forgotten Slovene Journalist and Patriot
Mateja Ratej Crofter’s Daughter Marija Prijol – Housemaid Mici – Bourgeoise Housekeeper Marija Požarnik
Jure Maček The Development of Mandatory Schooling in Carinthia from the Liberation to the Beginning of the 1950s
Jan Ciglenečki, Slavko Ciglenečki Priest Adolf Hytrek and the Legend of the Grail Castle on Boč
Silva Belšak Intermediality in the Revived Podobe iz sanj at the Centenary of the End of the World War I and of Cankar’s Death
  Reviews and Reports
Andrej Rahten Vlasta Stavbar: Majniška deklaracija in deklaracijsko gibanje. Slovenska politika v habsburški monarhiji, od volilne reforme do nove države (1906–1918)
Marjan Toš Renato Podbersič: Jeruzalem ob Soči (Judovska skupnost na Goriškem od 1867 do danes)
Aleksandra Gačić Irena Marković: Irenej Friderik Baraga, misijonar in škof med Otavci in Očipvejci
Marjan Toš Božo Grafenauer: Zgodbe iz izgnanstva v Srbijo in bojev
na Sremski fronti
DOWNLOAD: ČZN_2018_1-2_za_splet.pdf

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