naslovnica zvezek4 2016

Dejan Kac The Maribor Railway Bridge 1846-1866-2016
Tin Mudražija The Pioneering Role of Germans in Organized Football and German Football Clubs in Maribor
Irena Mavrič-Žižek The Cultural Life in Ptuj during the Occupation
Irena Mavrič-Žižek The Educational System of the Occupying Forces in the Ptuj District in the period between 1941 and 1945
Franci Pivec Vekoslav Grmič for Life without Fear
Marjan Žnidarič Škof Grmič in NOB . Odnos katoliškega škofa in teologa do slovenskega osvobodilnega boja v letih 1941–1945
  Reviews and Reports
Nina Ditmajer Marko Jesenšek: Poglavja iz zgodovine vzhodnoštajerskega jezika
Marjan Toš Prišo je glas – Prekmurci v vojni 1914–1918
DOWNLOAD: ČZN_4_2016_za_splet.pdf

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