Anniversaries |
Mirko Munda |
Samorastnik z Goričkega (Sto let akademika dr. Antona Vratuša, tudi sodelavca Časopisa za zgodovino in narodopisje) |
Studies |
Alenka Hren Medved |
The Social Life in Laško in the 19th Century |
Marija Mojca Peternel |
An Attempt to Outline the Reading Culture in Styria in the Middle of the 19th Century |
Mateja Ratej |
The Idea of a Divided Nation – A Component Part of Public Speech in Slovenia from the End of the 19th Century until Today |
Maja Ramovš |
Development of the Immigration Legislation in Canada (from 1867 until Today) |
Matjaž Klemenčič |
The Catholic Bulletin, the Newsletter of the Archdiocese of St. Paul, Minnesota, on Immigration to the United States and the Slovene Immigrants between 1911 and 1924 |
Blanka Bošnjak |
Leopold Volkmer’s Literary and Preaching Creativity |
Sources |
Franc Rozman |
Korespondenca dr. Dragotina Lončarja z dr. Pavlom Turnerjem |
Reviews and Reports |
Branislava Vičar |
Folkloristika na stičiščih: letno srečanje Ameriškega folklorističnega društva 2014 v Santa Feju |
Marjan Toš |
Ob 70-letnici smrti dr. Ožbalta Ilauniga – Reberškega Ožbeja (Dokumentarna razstava Knjižnice Lenart v avli Jožeta Hudalesa pri Lenartu) |
Marjan Toš |
Dunaj – judovsko mesto (Nova stalna razstava v dunajskem Judovskem muzeju: »Naše mesto«) |
Marjan Toš |
Novo branje (Miriam Steiner Aviezer: Vojak z zlatimi gumbi) |
ČZN2015No1.pdf |