naslovnica zvezek3 2014

Boris Golec Janez Vajkard Valvasor’s Offspring in Graz and Maribor and their Attitude towards the Slovenehood
Miran Aplinc The Myth of the Existence of large Families in the Period from 1869 to 1924 in the Case of the Parish St. Michael in Šaleška dolina
Mateja Ratej A War after the War – the Return of Prisoner of War, Štefan Murko, in 1920
Rok Šuligoj Was the War in the Republic of Slovenia during the Disintegration of the Social Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (SFRJ) a Civil War?
Zinka Zorko, Anja Benko Fairytales by Avgust Pavel in the Prekmurje Cankova speech
Bojan Godeša Ob članku Tomaža Ivešića Delovanje dr. Franca Kulovca na čelu SLS in ključni dogodki pred vojno
  Reviews and reports
Marjan Toš Slovenski Judje: Zgodovina in holokavst III
Marjan Toš Novi pripomoček za ozaveščanje in učenje o holokavstu. Neznane sledi (judovstvo, antisemitizem in holokavst v slovenski zgodovini)
DOWNLOAD: ČZN2014No3.pdf

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