Studies |
Boris Golec |
Janez Vajkard Valvasor’s Offspring in Graz and Maribor and their Attitude towards the Slovenehood |
Miran Aplinc |
The Myth of the Existence of large Families in the Period from 1869 to 1924 in the Case of the Parish St. Michael in Šaleška dolina |
Mateja Ratej |
A War after the War – the Return of Prisoner of War, Štefan Murko, in 1920 |
Rok Šuligoj |
Was the War in the Republic of Slovenia during the Disintegration of the Social Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (SFRJ) a Civil War? |
Zinka Zorko, Anja Benko |
Fairytales by Avgust Pavel in the Prekmurje Cankova speech |
Reply |
Bojan Godeša |
Ob članku Tomaža Ivešića Delovanje dr. Franca Kulovca na čelu SLS in ključni dogodki pred vojno |
Reviews and reports |
Marjan Toš |
Slovenski Judje: Zgodovina in holokavst III |
Marjan Toš |
Novi pripomoček za ozaveščanje in učenje o holokavstu. Neznane sledi (judovstvo, antisemitizem in holokavst v slovenski zgodovini) |
ČZN2014No3.pdf |