naslovnica zvezek4 2011

Irena Gantar Godina Dr. Franc Rozman
Maksimiljan Fras On the Trace of the Mayor of Maribor, Alojzij Juvan, PhD
Radovan Pulko  The Russian Secondary Modern School in Slovenske gorice
Boris Mlakar The Odyssey of the Slovene Costal Writer, Ciril Kosmač, in the 30ies and 40ies of the Last Century
 Maruša Verbič The Historic Overview of the Western Slavonic Association in the Years between 1908 and 1950
Rajmund Lampreht
Jernej Kirbiš
The Local Peoples’ Committee Hotinja vas From the Liberation in 1945 until 1947. The Reconstructions and Events on the Small Provincial Village Level
Peter Wiesflecker The House as »Sacred Place« in Folk Belief and Customs of Slovenes Living in Koroška
Marjan Toš  Po Maistru ga bomo poimenovali
  Reviews and reports
Marjan Žnidarič Tomaž Teropšič, Mitja Teropšič: Zmagovito Posavje
Marjan Toš Snježka Knežević in Aleksander Laslo: Židovski Zagreb – kulturnozgodovinski vodnik
Marjan Žnidarič Mirko Munda: Ob Muri in daleč čez. Korespondenca dr. Vaneka Šiftarja z nekaterimi pomurskimi rojaki
Ines Voršič Irena Stramljič Breznik: Tvorjenke slovenskega jezika med slovarjem in besedilom
DOWNLOAD: CZN_2011_4_za_splet.pdf

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