naslovnica zvezek1 2011

Lučka Lorber Zaslužni profesor dr. Borut Belec – osemdesetletnik 
Barbara Bedenik Two Land Registries of the Ptuj Dominion at the End of the 16th Century
Irena Marković Discovering the West Part of the North America in the Beginning of the 19th Century. The Lewis and Clark Expedition (1804–1806). Part III.: The Expedition Route
Janez Cvirn The Styria Provisory Provincial Assembly in 1848 and the National Question
Boža Grafenauer An Attempt of Reconstructing the Holidays in Blače on the Basis of Personal Letters
Alenka Valh Lopert,
Mihaela Koletnik
The Maribor Language as the Identity Factor in Radio Discourse
DOWNLOAD: CZN_2011_1_za_splet.pdf

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