naslovnica zvezek4 2009

  In memoriam
Franc Rozman Akad. prof. dr. Vasilij Melik (17.1.1921-28.1.2009)
Martin Prašnički Prof. Vladimir Bračič Ph.D. - Precious vine from tha Haloze Vineyards. A contribution to the biography for his 90th birthday (1919-1996)
Žiga Oman "Mer schad als nuz" - The Betnava evangelical church vineyard in Slivnica according to the vineculture booklets  in the years between 1591 and 1597
Elke Hammer-Luza Child-murder in Maribor and Celje district in the 18th and 19th century
Miha Sluga Slovene soldiers in world war I, Part III., The last year of the war and the monarchy
  Reviews and reports
Marjan Toš Marjan Žnidarič: Na krilih junaštva in tovarištva - pregled zgodovine XIV. divizije
Vlasta Stavbar Spomin na dr. Vladimirja Bračiča
PRENOS: CZN_2009_4_za_splet.pdf

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