In memoriam |
Franc Rozman |
Akad. prof. dr. Vasilij Melik (17.1.1921-28.1.2009) |
Studies |
Martin Prašnički |
Prof. Vladimir Bračič Ph.D. - Precious vine from tha Haloze Vineyards. A contribution to the biography for his 90th birthday (1919-1996) |
Žiga Oman |
"Mer schad als nuz" - The Betnava evangelical church vineyard in Slivnica according to the vineculture booklets in the years between 1591 and 1597 |
Elke Hammer-Luza |
Child-murder in Maribor and Celje district in the 18th and 19th century |
Miha Sluga |
Slovene soldiers in world war I, Part III., The last year of the war and the monarchy |
Reviews and reports |
Marjan Toš |
Marjan Žnidarič: Na krilih junaštva in tovarištva - pregled zgodovine XIV. divizije |
Vlasta Stavbar |
Spomin na dr. Vladimirja Bračiča |
CZN_2009_4_za_splet.pdf |