naslovnica zvezek1 2007

  Im memoriam
Marjan Žnidarič Milan Ževart 1927-2006 
Matjaž Ravbar Political activities on the part of carpathian Germans
Matejka Križan The catholic political society in Maribor as viewed by Slovenski gospodar
Marjan Toš Franc Robič (1841-1913), teacher, slovenian public and national renaissance promotor, provincial and state deputy, wise master
Boris Mlakar A tragic meeting with the revolution: the case of Narte Velikonja
Aleksander Lorenčič The economy in the Ptuj municipality during the eighties
Borut Zidar Concepts in the subject of history in elementary school
Irena Stramljič Breznik The history of the denominational and conceptual variety for leximic associations in slovenian linguistic studies
  Reviews and Reports
Peter Wiesflecker Miha Preinfalk: Po sledeh mogočnega tura
Franc Rozman Štefan Kočevar - rodoljub slovenski
Marjan Toš Ptuj in leto 1991, Spominski zbornik pričevanj, spominov ion dokumentov
Emil Tokarz Marko Jesenšek: The slovene language in the alpine and pannonian language area: the history of the slovene language
PRENOS: CZN_2007_1_vlozek_za_splet.pdf

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