naslovnica zvezek1 2019

Srečko Reher

Nekatere postaje, ki so zaznamovale življenjsko pot, dejavnosti in ustvarjalne izzive Vekoslava Grmiča (Ob 100-letnici njegovega rojstva)

 Franc Čuš

 The cultural and spiritual environment from which Dr Vekoslav Grmič emerged

 Marko Jesenšek

Slovenian language from Slomšek to Grmič  

Avguštin Lah

Theological and existentia emphases in some of the disquisitions of Vekoslav Grmič

Peter Kovačič Peršin

The importance of the social thinking and actions of Grmič

Marjan Žnidarič

Historical writings of Bishop Dr. Vekoslav Grmič with special emphasis on the national liberation struggle 1941–1945

Srečko Reher

The Znamenje journal as part of the creative oeuvre of Grmič

Vincenc Rajšp

Vekoslav Grmič in the line of Slovenian priests who haveresearched Slovenian Protestants of the 16th century

Fanika Krajnc-Vrečk

 The dialogical spirit of Grmič in post-conciliar ecumenism

Tone Peršak  

The tragedy of the situation and actions of Dr. Vekoslav Grmič, the auxiliary bishop

Janko Bohak

 The theoretical basis of the attempt to create a psychological profile of Bishop Dr. Vekoslav Grmič

Igor Černe

Vekoslav Grmič through the eyes of a world-view atheist

Rudi Rizman

What do our ancestors, we, and our descendants owe each other?




Grmičevo leto

Matija Remše

Nekaj kratkih prebliskov spomina na škofa Grmiča



Srečko Reher

In memoriam – prireditve in zapisi o humanistu škofu dr. Vekoslavu Grmiču po njegovi smrti

Marjan Toš

Vekoslav Grmič – škof pričevalec

SUMMARIES: CZN_2023_2-3_povzetki.pdf
DOWNLOAD: CZN_2023_2_3.pdf



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