Srečko Reher |
Nekatere postaje, ki so zaznamovale življenjsko pot, dejavnosti in ustvarjalne izzive Vekoslava Grmiča (Ob 100-letnici njegovega rojstva) |
Franc Čuš |
The cultural and spiritual environment from which Dr Vekoslav Grmič emerged |
Marko Jesenšek |
Slovenian language from Slomšek to Grmič |
Avguštin Lah |
Theological and existentia emphases in some of the disquisitions of Vekoslav Grmič |
Peter Kovačič Peršin |
The importance of the social thinking and actions of Grmič |
Marjan Žnidarič |
Historical writings of Bishop Dr. Vekoslav Grmič with special emphasis on the national liberation struggle 1941–1945 |
Srečko Reher |
The Znamenje journal as part of the creative oeuvre of Grmič |
Vincenc Rajšp |
Vekoslav Grmič in the line of Slovenian priests who haveresearched Slovenian Protestants of the 16th century |
Fanika Krajnc-Vrečk |
The dialogical spirit of Grmič in post-conciliar ecumenism |
Tone Peršak |
The tragedy of the situation and actions of Dr. Vekoslav Grmič, the auxiliary bishop |
Janko Bohak |
The theoretical basis of the attempt to create a psychological profile of Bishop Dr. Vekoslav Grmič |
Igor Černe |
Vekoslav Grmič through the eyes of a world-view atheist |
Rudi Rizman |
What do our ancestors, we, and our descendants owe each other? |
Grmičevo leto |
Matija Remše |
Nekaj kratkih prebliskov spomina na škofa Grmiča |
Srečko Reher |
In memoriam – prireditve in zapisi o humanistu škofu dr. Vekoslavu Grmiču po njegovi smrti |
Marjan Toš |
Vekoslav Grmič – škof pričevalec |
SUMMARIES: | CZN_2023_2-3_povzetki.pdf |
DOWNLOAD: | CZN_2023_2_3.pdf |