German songs by Daniel Lagkhner (1606)
Marjan Toš
Dr. Fran Zavrnik – the founding father of the Yugoslavian haematology (1888–1963)(on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of his death)
Mateja Ratej
“The hut is nothing but a breeding place, filled with…
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Nekatere postaje, ki so zaznamovale življenjsko pot, dejavnosti in ustvarjalne izzive Vekoslava Grmiča (Ob 100-letnici njegovega rojstva)
The cultural and spiritual environment from which Dr Vekoslav Grmič emerged
Bishop Slomšek’s roots on his mother’s side (Part 2)
Oskar Habjanič
The rise and fall of the shoemaking industrialist Anton Kleinschuster (1823–1908)
Matjaž Klemenčič, Jernej Zupančič
Slovenian attitude towards its minorities in neigboring countries during the…
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